VAULT – Bloody Mary: Live! ★★★

Bloody Mary: Live! is a one-woman show that fuses stand-up comedy with historical revisionism.

If Mary Tudor were to be burnt at the stake today, the script of this historical comedy would be the perfect material for burning her a:Live!

This 60-minute regal stand-up reinterprets one of the darkest and most turbulent times in British history and confronts both the comedy and tragedy of Bloody Mary’s #queenager life, dealing with divorced parents, first kisses and, oh, beheadings…  but sadly, it hasn’t got the crowning glory of that other recent Tudor stage success.

In this one-woman show, Olivia Miller explodes with talent and energy and doesn’t let the audience rest for a second. Her confidence and stagecraft is truly admirable, but the cohesion and general appeal of the comedic material lets her down and doesn’t allow the audience to experience a seamless transition between the humour and more serious moments, which are otherwise well acted.

The writing comes alight in the final ten minutes and almost provides the piece with a pardon when the moral of the story becomes clear.

Fringe venues can so often make or break new productions, as the atmosphere and setting that an audience is immersed in is crucial. So, if Bloody Mary: Live! is on at your nearest basement comedy club or Student Union bar anytime soon, get yourself a ticket. 

Or better still, follow Olivia Miller on social media and go witness her when she sets the stage ablaze in a less ‘heretical’ production.

Historical, if not hysterical – ★★★ 3 stars

Bloody Mary: Live! Tickets

Bloody Mary: Live! runs at the Vault Festival until Sun 29th Jan.

Book Tickets