Would you like to join The Recs reviewing team?
If you enjoy watching theatre and want to share your enthusiasm with others, why not join The Recs’ review team? We’re a friendly and supportive site and we’d love you to be a part of it!
What does it involve?
We receive lots of invites to press nights – West End, off West, regional and Fringe venues. Our editor then offers these to our reviewers.
If you say yes, we’ll book you into the press night, send you a press release or any info we have about the show, and you write a review usually within 48hrs.
Do I need to have written reviews before?
No. In fact more of The Recs team had not written reviews before they started with us! Plus, we give you a guide giving you a good idea what we are looking for and our editor Steve is always available to give feedback, help and support with your writing.
Do I need to review all the time? What if there are times I wouldn’t be available?
Not a problem. Whether it’s your job or family or any commitment you may have, we fully understand there will be times (and sometimes extended times) that you are not available to review for us. There is no minimum commitment – just let us know when you are able to review.
Will I have to review everything?
No. One of the things that has worked for us so far is we try and match the type of show with the reviewer who has a good chance of enjoying it. For example, if Shakespeare is not for you, we won’t be packing you off to The Globe. If dance is not your thing, we won’t frogmarch you to Sadlers Wells. What’s the point of reviewers critiquing performances that they themselves wouldn’t ever pay to see?
When you come onboard, we have a chat about what you are more keen on and what you’d rather avoid.
Are reviewers paid? Like most online sites there is no wage. We don’t do advertising. The Recs is not a moneymaking venture. We are enthusiasts about theatre who enjoy talking about theatre and sharing our love for live entertainment.
I don’t live in London. Does this mean I can’t review for you?
On the contrary, we are keen to get reviewers across the country. While we might not have a reviewing presence in your area, you could change all that. So get in touch!
If this sounds like something you might be interested in, drop us a message below and we can have a chat.
Thanks for your time!