Attenborough and his Animals ★★★★★

Attenborough and his Animals brings a global voyage through the natural world to Wilton’s Music Hall.

Sir David Attenborough needs no introduction. An award-winning legend in TV broadcasting, an enthusiast of the natural world and a national treasure. And now the man himself and his menagerie are appearing at Wilton’s Music Hall. Or are they?

It quickly becomes apparent that David Attenborough is nowhere to be seen! Perhaps stuck in east London’s ever-growing traffic or caught up in the bewilderment of the Elizabeth line. Wherever he is –  he isn’t here. But Attenborough and his Animals must go on.

Instead what we do have is Jonathan Tilley who immediately embodies Attenborough through voice alone and Jess Clough-MacRae transforming herself into every animal species thrown at her (sometimes two at the same time). For the next 70 minutes, the duo re-enact the most well-known and loved scenes from Attenborough documentaries.

The baby iguana running across a beach dodging death by snakes or the orangutan that had lived so closely to humans, it began mimicking how to wash clothes in the lake. It’s all here and more.

The pair have the audience (it’s recommended for children 6+)  laughing throughout. Jess’s ever-changing facial expressions are hugely amusing and utterly convincing, particularly where it appears she is possessed by a Komodo dragon. And Johnathan’s uncanny impression of Attenborough only lets up when he also joins Jess in becoming another species. Some impressions of mating rituals in the animal kingdom get laughs from the whole family.

There are no technological wows to Attenborough and his Animals, just brilliantly-executed pure physical theatre and performance. The show allows children to use their imagination in ways they may not get a chance to use too often in today’s modern world of tablets and phones.

Along with its self-aware silliness and comedy, there’s a striking scene that confronts the audience with the consequences of plastic in the ocean. Without being preachy, it is poignant, surprisingly moving and sure to leave an impression on all generations. A credit to the pair’s thought-provoking performance. 

Funny, educational and back to basics family entertainment

– A strong ★★ (5 star) recommendation for Attenborough and his Animals.

Attenborough and his Animals Tickets

Attenborough and his Animals runs at Wilton's Music Hall until Saturday 3rd September 2022

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