Rebels and Patriots ★★★★

Rebels and Patriots is based on true stories and is presented by Floating Shed, an Israeli/Palestinian theatre company.

Starting its life as diary entries by a soldier conscripted into the IDF, Rebels and Patriots is a compellingly tough watch. Based on real experiences, four young men attempt to express their feelings, fears and furies at being compulsorily conscripted into Israel’s army. Each of the four voices
expresses an opinion on their passage to the front line of defence and whilst the writing process of this piece started six years ago, its appearance at this year’s Fringe couldn’t be more timely.

Photos by Amie Barton Young

Dressed in army fatigues, three of the actors describe their experiences of military life– the raids they have carried out, the bombings of Gaza and Syria, the sights they have seen and tellingly, the affect it has had on them. The fourth rails against it, incredulous that they can follow orders. One of
the soldiers is of mixed parentage – Israeli-Palestinian and his torment is profound. Each of the performances is visceral and tortured – the friends debate, challenge each other, console and comfort, find common ground and then are wrenched gulfs apart. Dealing with the dreadful controversies thrown up by any war is bound to be provocative – and this couldn’t be more so.

Playwright and performer Nadav Burstein has not flinched from dealing with the hardest of issues – the affect that the conflict has on the young men sent to do their leaders’ bidding and he is to be applauded for it.

The start of the play uses a lot of quotations from Shakespeare which certainly has the effect of reminding the audience that the current conflict is far from new or unique. It is however, a relief when the blank verse is replaced with modern prose – the issues here are too urgent to veil in too much poetry – useful device though it is. To bring a piece of this nature to the Fringe is brave but Nadav Burstein, Tarik Badwan, Harvey Schorah and Tom Dalrymple are to be congratulated for their courage and skill in the making of this important drama. 

Four stars both hard and well-earned – ★ 4 stars

Rebels and Patriots Tickets

Rebels and Patriots performs at Pleasance Courtyard Upstairs

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The Recs RJC
The Recs RJC