Flight ★★★★

Darkfield’s latest shipping-container show Flight is set in absolute darkness within an Airbus 320 economy cabin

Buckle up. Make sure your belongings are in the overhead compartment. Brace yourself and make a note of the exit, not that it will be useful, as you strap in for the Flight of your life. Join Darkfield as they take you on a truly terrifying binaural immersive flight.

Image by Mihaela Bodlovic

Darkfield have been travelling all over the world, with their binaural immersive experiences, using sound and special effects to immerse you fully into out-of-this-world experiences. This particular iteration is one of nightmares. The performance takes place in a 40ft high-cube container and lasts 30 minutes.

In an eerily-uncanny exact replica of an Airbus 320 economy cabin, as Flight begins, after a
concerning flight announcement, you are plunged into total darkness! What then ensues can only be described as the creepiest and most disconcerting twenty-five minutes of your life. The ability this technology has to make you feel as if someone is whispering in your ear and your life is in the hands of these voices, is truly a terrifying and yet thrilling experience. Not for the faint of heart, this is a piece of theatre that has adrenaline at its core, creating a visceral physical reaction from their audience, some unable to continue.

The concept behind this production lies in fascination in the possible outcomes occurring at the same time and the many worlds interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. Science fiction meets real life possible events, however ill advised your choices were, maybe in another life you make a better one. Focused on the journey and not the destination, it is hard to really know where you landed, and if you did in fact land safely.

Immersive theatre at its best, putting audience members in the firing line, isolating them from one another. This technology is exciting and not for those of a nervous disposition. This is highly recommended for horror film fans, scare maze adventurers and roller coaster adrenaline seekers! Anyone
else, maybe save yourself the fright…

This Flight is not for the faint of heart – ★★★★ 4 stars

Flight Tickets

Flight is boarding at Pleasance Dome Potterrow Plaza

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The Recs LA