England & Son ★★★★★

England and Son offers a kaleidoscopic odyssey where disaster capitalism, empire, stolen youth and stolen wealth merge.

Any nation that devours another will one day devour itself, reads the strap line for Ed Edwards’ play England and Son.  And from outset there can be little doubt that this is a piece that seriously scrutinises how a nation’s past actions can come back to haunt the present and future of society, families and individuals.

Charting the life trajectory of the ‘son’ from the drama’s title from the 1970s to present day, England junior is a bright, yet mischievous, boy who dotes on his mother whilst craving the frequently-unrequited, affection of his father.  England senior is ex-military turned wheeler-dealer, with a penchant for violence, who revels in recounting glorified tales of his army days to his son.  He is also a pragmatist who realises that the only route for his son to escape the family’s working-class drudgery is education – a path that the boy follows until he discovers the temptation of petty crime.  A discovery that ultimately leads to incarceration.

Image by Steve Ullathorne

From this point, England junior’s story is one that encounters institutional brutality, deep comradery, missed salvation and a spiral into breakdown, ultimately leading to a shocking conclusion.  All of which can ultimately be directly or indirectly linked to the apathy or aggression of the state.  Acted in the round, and featuring just Mark Thomas on stage, this is a highly intimate portrayal that is not without humour, which might be expected from a comedian.  Yet Thomas is electrifying as he seamlessly switches between portraying the gambit of extreme emotions demanded by the storyline.

Specifically written for Thomas and based on characters from his childhood as well as Edwards’ experience in jail, England and Son is an exceptional work.  It is a rare a production is so powerful that as it ends, an audience springs to ovation only to then exit in almost complete silence.  England and Son is exactly such a rarity! A “must see” of this year’s Fringe.

A brooding rage against the machine – ★★★★★ 5-stars

England & Son Tickets

England & Son runs at ROUNDABOUT @ Summerhall 

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