Aaron Twitchen: Himbo ★★★★

Interactive exploration of love, loss, pop bands, queer politics, and, er, lesbian seagulls from flamboyant Leeds-based stand-up, Aaron Twitchen.

Upon his return from a trip to India, during which his boyfriend broke-up with him, stand-up, podcaster and author, Aaron Twitchen, vowed to write a “fun, happy show”. Clearly, this triggering paid off, for in Himbo he delivers a riotous, colourful hour of quirkily-camp banter. 

Arriving in a white vest and pink slacks, Twitchen explains that the show’s format involves the audience picking the topics to be discussed. Frequent audience participation, of which Himbo is replete with, can sink a show. But Twitchen is absolutely lovely with his audiences, avoiding resorting to the cheap laughs that lesser comics can resort to. The quips are bitchy but never (too) mean.

As the co-host of hit podcast, Pod of the Pops (the Girlband Podcast), it’s not at all surprising that pop culture references are frequent, with riffs on the likes of S Club 7 and Spice Girls in particular prevalence. While many of these are rather UK-centric, Twitchen acknowledges this and works hard to bring all of his audience along with him. Several are more universal, however. It’s unlikely anyone will be able to watch The Lion King, or, more specifically, listen to Elton John’s soundtrack to it, in quite the same way ever again. 

Twitchen’s camp delivery style isn’t especially original but it’s a very winning example of it. And it does contrast nicely with some surreal comedy gold, including skits on woke ghosts, typefaces used on tattoos, and lesbian seagulls. He largely avoids the filth that is often the stock-in-trade for gay humour. But when he does (such as his take on glory holes) it’s all the funnier for it. 

Himbo takes a rather unexpected, sombre turn in its closing stages, as Twitchen gives his thoughts on some of the more distressing issues the LGBTQ+ community are currently facing. Whether such a bout of politics is what audiences looking for a hour of comedy might expect to see is always a debatable fine line. But what is not in question is the validity of his points and the sincerity with which they are delivered. 

A impressive comedian who deserves a much higher profile than he is currently enjoying, on the evidence of Himbo, there’s little doubt that Twtichen would take to larger audiences with some considerable flair. 

A hilarious himbo whose humour will make you feel right at homo – ★★★★ 4 stars

Aaron Twitchen Tickets

Aaron Twitchen: Himbo plays at the Gilded Balloon Patter House

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